Our Mission
Studio Rainieri is a consultancy and planning firm which covers all sectors of Fire Prevention: Project and SCIA Evaluation Applications, Planning, Fire Safety Engineering, Fire Risk Evaluation, Fire Prevention Management Systems and training.
Our Mission is to excel in delivering professional services that provide outstanding added value. We aim to support Clients from both the technical and legislative standpoint. Our cutting-edge approach to services makes us stand out. We harness the highest levels of innovation, and apply the very latest regulations. Our defining feature is our ability to think outside the box, with know-how which we have fostered through extensive experience in the field. We approach projects from multiple perspectives from the early stages, creating the best mix of technological and organisational solutions. We believe that applying expertise to modern engineering is vital to deliver real added value, and take our work beyond merely applying regulations and designing systems. Our expertise lies in the proper interpretation and application of regulations, and is the real strength that offers the right level of protection for people and businesses, raising the level of quality and usefulness of the services offered and giving our customers the competitive edge.

Our Vision
Our Vision is to establish ourselves as the leading authority in top-flight Fire Prevention project management. We aspire to interpret our customers’ needs flawlessly, and to apply the latest regulations with proven experience and professionalism. We strive to earn the trust of a broad client base, making a name for ourselves as undisputed leaders in the reliable, professional management of Fire Prevention projects in Studio Rainieri’s areas of expertise.